My friend
@BabyPatches did just have a
funny contest about the terrible things we animals do. My other friend
@ShawneeShep won with a
bark-out-loud funny (and terrible!) story. But this all got me to thinking: those
debil kittehs are getting more terrible-er by the day...and that Kenshin seems the most terrible...
I mean, this may LOOK sweet to you, but it's really a diabolical scheme to interfere with the Girl typing tweets for me:

Who is attacking the detailing towels while girl is trying to fold them? Hmm, it's that Kenshin again:

Who figured out how to jump up on the counters first? Why yes, it's that orange kitty again! (I know the pic is grainy-be glad! Hopefully the grainier it is, the less you can tell how cluttered it is! BOL!)

And WHO taught ToPu how to finally get on the bookshelf? (Again, ignore the clutter PLEASE!) As the Girl took this picture (instead of saying NO! BAD KITTIES! like she should have) she said, "ToPu wanted to get on that bookshelf from day one. Guess Kenshin finally showed him how."

And then he'll do something like this, which in my mind just proves how terribly terrible he is, because this is terribly terrible master "awwww" manipulation and shows he obviously has no remorse about being a bad kitteh on the counter, on the shelf, in the rags, etc.

Kenshin is also the one who "escapes" if you leave the door to the garage open. Or the door to outside. He is the one who fell off the banister today (gave us quite a scare, but he's okay). He is the one who every night wakes the Girl up by licking her face--she has to sleep with a spray bottle in her hand because he just won't be deterred!
What is the point of this highlight reel of Kenshin's naughtiness? I mean, there are TWO debil kittehs. And ToPu is pretty rotten for sure. But Trouble seems to be Kenshin's middle name! Today I heard the Girl say something interesting: "It's just an orange kitty thing, I guess. Those orange ones seem to be extra rotten!"
So, friends, do you think this is true? Are orange kittehs the terriblest of the terrible?
...or is Kenshin just extra-ornery because he's the one the Girl picked, and she has a knack for picking the orneriest?
Nah. That can't be it. Hehehe.